Gifted and Talented
Meet Our GT Advisor
Robin Senteno
Phone: 720-561-4409
Who am I?
My name is Robin Senteno. I have been a proud Boulder Valley School District employee for the past 19 years and held a variety of roles in our district. I am excited to be in my role supporting Eldorado PK8 gifted/talented families for the fourth year..
I am here to partner with your students and their teacher/s to give them the growth they are capable of achieving. I am passionate about supporting our gifted identified students with their social/emotional needs.
Eldorado PK8 teachers enrich and differentiate daily in all of their classrooms for all students, including a wide variety of very talented and high-achieving children.
The purpose of Eldorado PK8’s Gifted and Talented program is to supplement their hard work by helping to identify and support gifted population and their Advanced Learning Plans (ALP).
BVSD schools provide programming for Gifted and Talented (GT) students based on their identified needs and in accordance with district identification policy, which is based on a body of evidence.
The BVSD Gifted & Talented (GT) Office supports schools and stakeholders, offers professional development, and oversees school-based programming. A wealth of information is available on the Gifted and Talented page.
Students may be identified as Gifted & Talented in one or more of the following areas:
- General or specific intellectual ability
- Specific academic aptitude
- Creative or productive thinking
- Leadership abilities
- Visual arts, performing arts, musical or psychomotor abilities
BVSD sponsors district-wide enrichment activities. These are open to students whether they are identified as GT or not. Learn more on the Gifted and Talented page. The following are events that have occurred in the past years:
- Corden Pharma Colorado Regional Science Fair (Grades 6-12)
- Destination Imagination - NOCO Canyon Region (Grades k-12)
- Boulder Regional History Day (Grades 6-12)
- Boulder Valley Regional Spelling Bee (Grades 3-8)
- Math Olympiads (Grades 4 and 5)
- Battle of the Books (Grades 3-12)